Fresh Angeles: October 2010

Hipstamatic: My New Fav iPhone Photograpy App

Do you have an iPhone? Do you take photos with your iPhone? Do you hate the quality of the photos? And finally, do you end of trashing half of them because they just look crappy?
Well I've found (Thanks Riley) the App that is gonna change your life! Not like winning the lottery change your life... but like you will be really, really happy with the way your iPhone photos look like from now on!

Say hello to my little friend: HIPSTAMATIC

It will change your prospective. I find myself looking around places saying, will that look cool once the Hipstamatic casts it's magic spell on it? It's like they took all of the cool settings about photoshop and preset them for you. Right there at your fingertips. Just for you. Photographer or not, you will love this thing. You will wow your friends. I am actually proud of the pictures I've been taking with my iPhone. (I've never been able to say that, and I'm a photographer) 

It's by far the BEST $1.99 I've spent on any iPhone App.

If you are still unsure of the greatness that is Hipstamatic, just look at these pictures that I have taken in the past few days of purchasing this little gem. I have not changed these photos in any way. I just clicked and downloaded. Hipstamatic does all of the work. It's my new photographer's secret, that I am sharing with the sexy people who read my blog, because I am fresh like that... You're Welcome. ; )

Disclaimer: I was not paid or compensated in any way for this blog. 
I just fell in love with the product and wanted to share. That is all.

From Neverland to the OC

"You can fly you can fly, you can fly..."

I recently had the priviledge to attend the stage production of PETER PAN at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. I have always been a big fan of Pan, Tinkerbell, and Wendy so I was very excited to go. I wasn't sure of what to expect, as I don't go to the theater very much anymore. So I decided not to bring my 3 year old. I really wanted to be able to enjoy the show without, having to deal with a toddler.

It was a huge tent, and the theater was in the round, which I had never experienced before. In seeing the story of the boy who refused to grow up, my only regret was that we weren't allowed to take any photos or videos once inside. So that was torture for this photographer, because it was really awesome, and I would like to display that. The actors were superb. The set was imaginative. But the BEST part was the FLYING. The cast gets hooked (pun intended) onto little cables throughout the show and get catapulted around the theater. It mixes high tech screens, computer animated graphics onto a 360-degree projected background. It really set the mood, and added so much to the performance. I just can't say enough. It gives you the feeling that you are taking the journey to Neverland. Just like an IMAX theater. (people with motion sickness beware)

The obvious stand-outs were Peter Pan, and Captain Hook (who also plays Mr. Darling). They were so good, so entertaining. The beloved nurse maid Nana, was actually a puppet with a lot of personality. The crocodile is made out of household items like hangers and clothespins.
My favorite scene is when Tinkerbell's light goes out, and the entire audience is asked to whisper "I do believe in fairies" over and over again into it turns into a loud roar, and Tink gets revived.
Other highlights were when the mermaids come out. Bubbles and lighting fills the stage, and they were hanging like Cirque du Soleil performers with big ribbon like tails. Also when Tigerlilly does a special indian maiden rhythmic sexy dance (not too sexy) for Peter as a Thank you for setting her free. 
Other great things about the play were Peter, Michael, the pirates, the lost boys, Mrs. Darling and Mr. Smee will all steal your heart. Much like how Peter stole the hearts of Wendy, Tinkerbell and Tigerlilly.

It was staged in two parts, about an hour long each, with a 15-20 minute intermission in between. Just long enough to stretch your legs, get some more snacks, refill your wine glass (yes, wine) or coffee cup, and buy some souvenirs. I'm even thinking about taking my 3 year old back to see the show. Now that I know the layout, and what to expect, I feel like she may be able to sit through it. (At least for the first half) It's just so magical, that I would hate for her to miss it. If you're locals would hate for any of you to miss it... 

The show was originally intended to run through November. But now, it has been picked up to go through January. (See, I told you it's FANTASTIC!) It is such a great show, and would be a really nice family outing for the holidays. Very magical indeed. 

For further details:

"To live would be an awfully big adventure..."

(Disclosure: I was not for this post, however I was given tickets to some see and review the show. Thanks OCPAC!)

The Great Pumpkin Patch Charlie Brown

"...and the Great Pumpkin will rise up out of his pumpkin patch with his bag of toys for all the good children!"
  ~  It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!

Went with the family (* Tracey * Becky * Shelley *) to the BEST PUMPKIN PATCH EVER on Saturday. It was really good old fashioned family fun. My girl kept taking her shoes off and running in the fields. Yes barefoot. Her other favorite thing to do was try and balance, standing on top of the pumpkins. The last thing she fancied was playing with the dirt. Always with the dirt. At times it was if she didn't even SEE the bright orange glowing ball of fire right below her.
Well I thought this pumpkin patch was awesome. It was old school, with that small town feel. (Hard to come by in LA) It was exactly what a pumpkin patch should be like. A huge open field, surrounded by a white picket fence, and filled with pumpkins. Perfection. My only one problem with it was choosing a pumpkin. I wanted to take them all home with me. And I felt bad for the ones that I didn't take with me. Is that crazy? Do you feel that way? I feel the same way about the trees at Christmas time, in all of the Christmas tree lots. Sensitive much?

Mickey's Halloween Party: Fun for the Whole Family at Disneyland

We have always loved trick-or-treating Disney style, at California Adventure the past few years.
Remember 2009? And who could forget 2008?
It is definitely a high-light of the haunted season for my family. Have you made it a wicked tradition in your family yet? Well now is the perfect time! This year it is even more special, because it moved to Disneyland and changed it's name!

*Disclosure: Thanks to my friends at Disney, I got a chance to go there on October 1st, (opening night) and was it Terrifically Terrifying! (not really scary, I just thought those 2 words went together well)

Mickey’s Halloween Party sure you have to buy a separate ticket to this event, but where else can adults dress up in costume and trick-or-treat with their kids at the resort. 

You're Invited:
Tuesdays and Fridays in October (1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22, 26 and 29) 
And even on Halloween night itself, Sunday, Oct. 31. 

You won't want to miss: 
* Get Your Candy On * 
Trick or Treating in the ultimate Disney neighborhood, with even more treats along “Mickey’s Hide-and-Go-Treat Trails”

* Get Your Boogie On *
New dance parties – at Tomorrowland Terrace and the French Market

* Get Your Jack On *
The “Halloween Screams” fireworks spectacular, hosted by “Master of Scare-omonies”
Jack Skellington (presented exclusively for guests of Mickey’s Halloween Party)

* Get your Parade On *
New surprises in “Mickey’s Costume Party” cavalcade, performed twice nightly

* Get Your Pose On *
Character photo locations featuring Mickey and his pals, princesses and other favorites

* Get Your Early Bird On *
The opportunity to arrive three hours before the party starts to play in Disneyland

* Get Your Disney On *
Nearly all the favorite Disneyland rides and attractions

The Detail$:
Tickets purchased in advance for Mickey’s Halloween Party are $49 most days, while tickets purchased on the event days are $54. For Oct. 31, all tickets to Mickey’s Halloween Party are $59. It helps to have an annual pass too!

Party People:  Here are some pics of me & my Ghouls @TraceyClark & @theHappyHourMom getting our Party On! One of the very best parts about Mickey's Halloween Party at Disneyland for me, was spending the evening with my Sisters, nieces, nephew & Mom! Who luckily are just a s Disney-Obsessed as me! Yay!