And the feeling's right
Oh yes it's LADIES NIGHT
Oh what a night.
-Kool and the Gang
Here's my mom, Jen, Tracey & Becky.
I finally got a LONG overdue GIRLS NIGHT OUT!
And when I say long overdue, I mean my child is 14 months old & this is the first time I have really gone "OUT" out since she was born.
All thanks to my sister, Tracey with the help of some very incredible women.
The special event was put on by HP & SNAPFISH.
We had snacks, drinks & chocolate.
We mixed, mingled & networked.
We laughed, we cried, we learned.
There was a holiday photography session, by TRACEY.
There was story telling , by JEN.
There was a live musical performance, by DANA.
There was even Arts & Crafts!
It was an evening meant to stir up our creativity, and to inspire us to give of our gifts.
It did just that, and I LOVED every minute of the evening!
I can't wait to get the Girls together again....
Oh what a night!
it was a blast. so glad you were there! you deserve some time away for sure!!
That was an amazing night, my favorite of the season!
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