Last Minute GIVEAWAY!
Hey LA parents... Are you looking for something special to do with your little ones this weekend? Aren't we ALWAYS?
I've got 4 FREE Tickets for you & your family to attend
This Saturday, May 22, 2010
at the Egyptian Theatre
6712 Hollywood Blvd. in Los Angeles
TICKETS: Adults - $11, Kids - $9.
To celebrate the June 21 premiere of Sid's "No School Singalong Special!" Sid himself will be on hand to meet with your child, and welcome them to a dynamic and interactive investigation station hosted by PBS/KCET LA where they can investigate, explore & discover.
Also plenty of other characters to meet from your childrens' favorite PBS Shows: Buddy from "Dinosaur Train," Red Fraggle from "Fraggle Rock," Ditch from "Wilson & Ditch: Digging America" & Courtney Watkins from "The Possibility Shop."
Just leave a comment here telling me your favorite Muppet Character, (Mine is Kermit) your name & email address. And that's it!!!
I will pick a WINNER in about 24 hours!
(comments will close on Thursday at 11:59pm, winner will be notified & email by noon on Friday)
Now that's what I call instant gratification!
GOOD LUCK! I hope to see you there!

* I did not receive any compensation for this post. However I did get tickets for my family to attend & review. As well as the 4 free Giveaway tickets*
I love Miss Piggy...Tricia Ellis...butterflychild324@gmail.com
My family LOVES Elmo because it gives us 20 minutes of free time when she watches it.
OMG! The kids love Sid & Dinosaur Train! I think we MUST attend!!!
Now 4 the giveaway...U know my fave muppet character is THE CHEF! Love that guy! Mal's was ANIMAL...but u cant leave out the 2 grumpy old guys, beaker or gonzo!!!
It's hard to pick a favorite...I think Ben likes Grover the best right now, but he is a big fan of Sid and all the guys on the Dinosaur Train!
And you know my name and email:)
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